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European civic service: What levers to (re) boost young people's sense of belonging to the EU?


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18 h 00 min - 19 h 30 min

Round table by videoconference, on 23 February from 6 pm to 7:30pm.

The President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, has declared that 2022 will be the year of European youth. At the head of the Council of the European Union for six months since January 1, 2022, France will carry and bring this commitment to life. The PFUE aims to go even further than Erasmus+, already extended to apprentices, by reflecting on a 6-month European civic service open to all young people under 25 years of age.

Civic service is a voluntary commitment on a mission of general interest to an approved legal entity. France has developed a unique model of civic service in Europe and in the world, perceived both through the prism of citizen engagement and that of employability. At Community level, the European Solidarity Corps, allowing young people to carry out volunteer missions in EU member countries, is still too little known by the public. Promoting and investing in a European Civic Service programme alongside the Erasmus+ programme would raise young people's awareness of European citizenship, regardless of their level of education. Such a programme would represent an opportunity for young people from all social classes to gain European experience in volunteering that can be valued in the labour market while consolidating their sense of belonging to the European Union.

The PFUE represents a great opportunity to boost the European Civic Service project. How could this ambition materialize concretely and what are the barriers and obstacles to its development?


Béatrice Angrand, President of the Civic Service in France
Ilana Cicurel, MEP RenewEurope, member of the Culture & Education Committee
Benjamin Sibille, CEO and founder of the Collective for a European Civic Service
Marie Trellu-Kane, Executive President of Unis-Cité



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