About us

The CRIJ Hauts-de-France is the Regional Youth Information Center labelled by the French State. The association produces and distributes by the means of both physical and digital channels a range of general, accessible, objective, reliable, comprehensive and up-to-date information for young people on different topics affecting them :
- Education, careers, training
- Jobs, business creation
- Housing
- Health protection
- Young people’s rights
- Leisure - Sport - Culture
- Positive action - Volunteering
- International mobility
- Transport
The information they produce includes the resources and funds available associated to each sector (of the regional, departmental, local, national, European, world-wide scale) as well as useful contacts of competent organisations or services in the Hauts-de-France region, France, Europe and the rest of the world.
The CRIJ Hauts-de-France does more than just providing youth information - it informes on:
The CRIJ Hauts-de-France does more than just providing youth information - it informes on:
- The priorities and actions taken by the State, the Region and the local authorities in Hauts-de-France for young people
- The involvement of the private sector in young people’s future.
- The projects in place by young people to share with other young people and make them visible.

As a Eurodesk multiplier, the CRIJ Hauts-de-France provides useful information and personalised advice about education, internships, jobs, projects and programmes around Europe. The association also provides access to documents and tools to encourage international mobility. Information sessions are organised every month to inform young people about real-life opportunities for mobility in Europe and around the world. These include working holiday visa, studies, professional training in Quebec, and international volunteering opportunities: European Solidarity Corps, international civic service, international work camps, VSI, VIE/VIA and more.

The CRIJ Hauts-de-France is also labelled to send and host volunteers in the frame of the European Solidarity Corps programme.
Thanks to their experience and expertise in the field, since forty years the CRIJ has been missionned by the State and the Hauts-de-France Regional Counsel to provide information to young people and coordinate, facilitate and develop the information network.
It offers a number of online services :
It offers a number of online services :
- Ij-hdf.fr
- Ij-annonces.fr
- and in order to encourage the mobility of young people
« A platform designed to bring Mobility Makers together. »